hrp0089p2-p220 | GH & IGFs P2 | ESPE2018

The ZOMATRIP Study: Four Year Combination Therapy of GH and GnRHa in Girls with a Short Predicted Adult Height During Early Puberty: Adult Height Outcome

Dotremont Hilde , France Annick , Heinrichs Claudine , Tenoutasse Sylvie , Brachet Cecile , Cools Martine , De Waele Kathleen , Massa Guy , Lebrethon Marie-Christine , Gies Inge , Van Besien Jesse , Derycke Christine , De Schepper Jean , Rooman Raoul

Background: A combination of GH and a gonadotropin releasing hormone analogue (GnRH a) is hypothesized to improve adult height in children with a poor adult height prediction.Study design: In this multicenter study, 24 girls in early puberty (bone age ≤12.0 y),with a predicted adult height ≤151.0 cm and normal body proportions were treated with GH (Zomacton) 50 μg/kg per day and triptorelin (Gonapeptyl) 3.75 mg/month SC or IM (for 4 year...

hrp0095rfc10.2 | GH and IGFs | ESPE2022

Severe primary IGF1 deficiency diagnosed by a standardized IGF1/ IGFBP3 generation test : the Belgian experience

Ryckx Sofie , Derycke Christine , Anckaert Ellen , Beauloye Véronique , Beckers Dominique , Brachet Cécile , Den Brinker Marieke , De Waele Kathleen , Dotremont Hilde , Boros Emese , Klink Daniel , Lebrethon Marie-Christine , Lysy Philippe , Mouraux Thierry , Parent Anne-Simone , Rochtus Ann , van der Straaten Saskia , De Schepper Jean

Background/ Aim: Over the past 6 years, the IGF1/ IGFBP3 generation test (IGFGT) has been used in Belgium in a standardized form to identify children with severe primary IGF1 deficiency (SPIGFD). In this study, the discordance of the IGF1 and IGFBP3 responses during an IGFGT and the prevalence of SPIGFD were analyzed in a cohort of children with short stature (height SDS < - 2) and presenting with low (below lower reference limit) serum IGF1 level and norma...